Unmediated Listening With Video Selfies

Why we love it

Respondents film themselves talking to friends and loved ones, discussing ideas we carefully create. The process is designed to make us the fly on the wall of create real, authentic conversations about your topic of interest. It lets us really understand the people you’re interested in and respondents themselves have the space to consider and re-consider ideas, and even change their mind as they talk to their loved one – just like real life!

How we use it

The footage we analyse gives you a base understanding of your market: their needs, drivers and any big pitfalls you may run into when speaking to them. Using this knowledge, we then work with you to refine and perfect your ideas before taking them into traditional qualitative research, to make sure they stand the best chance of making an impact. The footage also gives us great content to edit into highly impactful films to drive your points home.

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